A great source of news on Slovakia in English, is a weekly newspaper called The Slovak Spectator. You can see more
at their website, http://spectator.sme.sk/ or here at your favourite English website http://c1literarymayhem.blogspot.com/p/daily-book-news.html and http://b2literarymayhem.blogspot.com/p/book-worm.html
I am pretty sure there are more coffee shops offering English speaking magazines to read with your coffee, but here's one owned by a friend from Canada, Ben Pascoe:
We offer a great selection of English and Slovak language second hand books of all genres. If you are looking for bestsellers, classics, fiction or fantasy, Shakespeare or Star Trek, we have them all. Our collection currently counts more than 9000 titles and continues to grow rapidly.
In addition, you can also come to read one of our many newspapers and magazines. We currently subscribe to: Wall Street Journal Europe, Economist, Sme and Novy Cas.
Also, PantaRhei in Eurovea has a great selection of English Language magazines, I am pretty sure it's not the only one.
InterpressTop Panta Rhei Bratislava Poštová ul., Bratislava Opening hours:
| InterpressTop Panta Rhei Bratislava Galleria EUROVEA Opening hours:
Bookstores - MODUL SVET KNIHY, Obchodná ul. Bratislava MODUL, Laurinská ul. Bratislava Opening hours:
PRESS POINT, OC Hron Dudvážska 5061 821 07 Bratislava Opening hours:
| Stahl Press, Main Railway Station Bratislava 811 04 Bratislava Opening hours:
Stahl Press, Main Bus Station Bratislava Mlynské nivy 24 821 02 Bratislava Opening hours:
Viva Shop, Personal Port Bratislava Fajnorovo nabrežie 811 02 Bratislava Opening hours:
Carrefour Hypermarkets Shopping Centre Polus Bratislava, Danubia Bratislava, Dubeň Žilina, Cassovia Košice Opening hours:
TESCO Hypermarkets Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Košice, Levice, Nitra, Pezinok, Piešťany, Poprad, Považská Bystrica, Prešov, Prievidza, Trenčín, Trnava, Žilina |
| COOP Jednota Bratislava TERNO Supermarket Shopping centre AUPARK Bratislava, EUROPA Banská Bystrica Opening hours:
You can also download most of magazines to a reader or an apple device these days, not to mention the torrent sites, or just read them online. Hope I've helped ;)
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